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Maxsight's developer documentation

Our developer documentation is divided into four categories:

  • Concepts

    Concepts provide a deeper understanding of Maxsight and the Maxsight API. They take you beyond a basic operational knowledge through the discussion and clarification of the topic at hand. If you want to learn more about something rather than how to do it, concepts can help you.

  • How-to guides

    How-to guides serve as guidance when you have a clear task at hand and already possess a working knowledge of Maxsight and the Maxsight API. These guides are not intended to educate or provide a learning experience, but rather to provide step-by-step guidance to accomplish specific tasks. You can expect detailed, sequential instructions that leverage your existing competence and familiarity with our system.

  • Tutorials

    Tutorials follow a carefully planned learning path and are meant to be interactive, providing you with specific tasks to complete. Tutorials are designed to help you gain practical skills and understanding through doing, rather than passive reading. The end result of a tutorial is not just the completion of a task, but also the acquisition of new knowledge and increased confidence in using the Maxsight API.

  • Reference

    Reference topics provide factual information necessary for practical operation of the Maxsight API, offering specifications, descriptions, and implementation details. It is independent of practical steps or explanations, focusing instead on presenting accurate, comprehensive information about Maxsight's structure and architecture for easy mapping and understanding