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GridSFTP Integration

With Grid SFTP Integration, data files are transmitted system-to-system using proprietary file formats, data encryption, and an SFTP server.

Moody's currently supports the following file types for this service:

  • Review Inquiry Batch (RIB)

  • Review Inactivate Portfolio (RIP)

Review Inquiry Batch (RIB)

The SFTP Review Inquiry Batch (RIB) file type allows firms to submit inquiries and receive alerts and results from Grid.

For each RIB file submission, Grid issues a batch ID, processes the batch, and returns results and alerts in the response.

This solution:

  • Uses a push/push data transfer model. The customer's system pushes an input file to a Grid SFTP server and the resulting response files are pushed back to the customer's SFTP server.

  • Can accept data submissions of one to 100,000 inquiries per file.

  • Protects at-rest files and ensures secure data exchanges with data encryption.

  • Supports both PSV and XML file formats. Regardless of the inquiry format, you have the option to receive responses in either format.

  • Can display results in the Grid web interface.

Review Inactivate Portfolio (RIP)

The SFTP Review Inactivate Portfolio (RIP) file type allows firms to deactivate portfolio monitoring records.

For each RIP request Grid inactivates portfolio records for the inquiries associated with the record's Inquiry ID or our customer's Tracking ID.

The RIP response file contains a corresponding response record with the number of inquiries that were inactivated for each inactivation record in the request.

This solution:

  • Can accept data submissions of one to 100,000 inquiries per file.

  • Protects at-rest files and ensures secure data exchanges between Grid and our customers with data encryption.

  • Supports both PSV and XML file formats.

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